Dengan software ini kita dapat menyimpan akun-akun kita saat login ke sebuah situs/aplikasi pada windows mulai dari username, email dan password dengan aman. Selain akun kita tersimpan dengan aman, untuk login kita hanya perlu mengclick melaui add-on/extension browser ataupun memalui RoboForm Editor sehingga kita tidak perlu lagi susah-susah memasukkan name/email/password.
- Firefox: fix crash on Fill & Sumit, when FF shows warning about sending unprotected data.
- Firefox, Chrome, Opera: fix form fillings issues.
- Firefox: Fix open and close of Firefox toolbar customization dialog forces RF toolbar to appear even if it was previously hidden.
- Opera: fix RF can not install Opera adapter in some cases.
- Opera: fix can not install/uninstall Opera adapter under limited user.
- IE 9: cleanup IE use statistics on install, to fix speed complaints.
- Add 'Renew RoboForm Everywhere' item into RoboForm 'Help' menu.
- Fix when RF2Go is installing and it offers to upgrade old RF Fixed version, it cannot do it.
- Fix in some cases RF can not access User Data folder located on mapped network drive.
- Fix RF crashes after Fill&Submit from RF Toolbar if user has more than 10 logins for free.
- Fix if FillWithoutAsking then RF may fill a Win32 form several times even when user is typing.
- Manual Sync warning: show an option to remind in: 1/3/7/ days, 1/2/4 weeks.
- Fix Search box blinks on each click or key press.
- Speedup browsing in all browsers, espcially Firefox and Chrome.
- Do not open several RF Master Password windows when not logged in.
- Firefox: reduce number of frame reattaches to speed up browsing.
- Chrome: fix crashes caused by RF in some sequences.
- Chrome: fix too many GDI resources are consumed by RF not allowing to have a lot of tabs.
- Win32: fix RF toolbar may be shown in wrong z-order for a process running as admin.
- Win32: fix RF Win32 toolbar does not appear sometimes, due to PBTipIcon windows.
- Add vk.com to the list of social plugins, so that it does not match on all pages.
- Fix Logins menu shown from RF toolbar sometimes overlaps the button or entire toolbar.
- Fix RF installer cannot close passwordgenerator.exe.
- Update process list when user presses Back and Forward in Closing Applications.
- Fix RoboForm does not report sync errors.
Homepage: http://www.roboform.com/enterprise/
Installer & Patch
Patch Only